A Majestic Breed Savannah
They can be loving like a dog, if you raise them right.
Savannah Cat Majestic
The Worlds Tallest Domestic Cat Breed
The Savannah cat is the largest of the cat breeds. A Savannah cat is a cross between a domestic cat and a serval, a medium-sized, large-eared wild African cat. The unusual cross became popular among breeders at the end of the 1990s, and in 2001 The International Cat Association (TICA) accepted it as a new registered breed. In May 2012, TICA accepted it as a championship breed.
Judee Frank crossbred a male serval, belonging to Suzi Woods, with a Siamese (domestic cat) to produce the first Savannah cat (named Savannah) on April 7, 1986.[4] In 1996, Patrick Kelley and Joyce Sroufe wrote the original version of the Savannah breed standard and presented it to the board of The International Cat Association. In 2001, the board accepted the breed for registration. The Savannah cat can come in different colors and patterns, however, The International Cat Association (TICA) breed standards only accept spotted patterns with certain colors and color combinations.
The Savannahs' tall and slim build give them the appearance of greater size than their actual weight. Size is very dependent on generation and sex, with F1 hybrid male cats usually being the largest.
F1 and F2 generations are usually the largest, due to the stronger genetic influence of the African serval ancestor. As with other hybrid cats such as the Chausie and Bengal cat, most first generation cats will possess many or all of the serval's exotic looking traits, while these traits often diminish in later generations. Male Savannahs tend to be larger than females.
Early-generation Savannahs can weigh 8–20 pounds (3.6–9.1 kg), with the most weight usually attributed to the F1 or F2 neutered males due to genetics. Later-generation Savannahs are usually between 7–15 pounds (3.2–6.8 kg). Because of the random factors in Savannah genetics, size can vary significantly, even in one litter.
The coat of a Savannah should have a spotted pattern, the only pattern accepted by the TICA breed standard.[5] The spotted pattern is the only accepted pattern because it is the only pattern found on the African Serval Cat. Non-standard patterns & colors include: Rosetted, marble, snow color (point), blue color, cinnamon color, chocolate color, lilac (lavender) and other diluted colors derived from domestic sources of cat coat genetics.
The International Cat Association (TICA) breed standard calls for brown-spotted tabby (cool to warm brown, tan or gold with black or dark brown spots), silver-spotted tabby (silver coat with black or dark grey spots), black (black with black spots), and black smoke (black-tipped silver with black spots) only.[5]
Domestic out-crosses from the early days in the 1990s have greatly impacted the breed's development in both desired and non-desired traits. As of 2012 most breeders perform Savannah to Savannah pairings; using out-crosses is considered less than desired. There are no longer any permitted domestic out-crosses for the Savannah breed now that TICA championship status has been achieved. Previously domestic out-crosses for the Savannah breed that were permissible in TICA were the Egyptian Mau, the Ocicat, the Oriental Shorthair, and the Domestic Shorthair.
Outcrosses that are "impermissible" according to the TICA breed standard breeds include the Bengal and Maine Coon cats. These impermissible breeds can bring many unwanted genetic influences. Outcrosses are very rarely used as of 2012, as many fertile savannah males are available for studs. Breeders prefer to use a Savannah with the serval to produce F1s, rather than a non-Savannah breed in order to maintain as much breed type as possible.
A Savannah's exotic look is often due to the presence of many distinguishing serval characteristics. Most prominent of these include the various color markings; tall, deeply cupped, wide, rounded, erect ears; very long legs; fat, puffy noses, and hooded eyes. The bodies of Savannahs are long and leggy; when a Savannah is standing, its hind-end is often higher than its prominent shoulders. The small head is taller than wide, and it has a long, slender neck.[6] The backs of the ears have ocelli, a central light band bordered by black, dark grey or brown, giving an eye-like effect. The short tail has black rings, with a solid black tip. The eyes are blue as a kitten (as in other cats), and may be green, brown, gold or a blended shade as an adult. The eyes have a "boomerang" shape, with a hooded brow to protect them from harsh sunlight. Ideally, black or dark "tear-streak" or "cheetah tear" markings run from the corner of the eyes down the sides of the nose to the whiskers, much like that of a cheetah.
As Savannahs are produced by crossbreeding servals and domestic cats, each generation of Savannahs is marked with a filial number. For example, the cats produced directly from a serval/domestic cat cross are termed F1, and they are 50% serval.
F1 generation Savannahs are very difficult to produce, due to the significant difference in gestation periods between the serval and a domestic cat (75 days for a serval and 65 days for a domestic cat), and sex chromosomes. Pregnancies are often absorbed or aborted, or kittens are born prematurely. Also, servals can be very picky in choosing mates, and often will not mate with a domestic cat.
Savannah F3 at one year
F1 Savannahs can be as high as 75% serval. All 75% F1s (technically a backcross, or BC1) are the offspring of a 50% F1 (true F1) female bred back to a serval. Cases of 87.5% F1 (technically BC2) Savannah cats are known, but fertility is questionable at those percentage Serval levels. More common than a 75% F1 is a 62.5% F1, which is the product of an "F2A" (25% serval, female) bred back to a serval. The F2 generation, which has a serval grandparent and is the offspring of the F1 generation female, ranges from 25% to 37.5% serval. The F3 generation has a serval great grandparent, and is at least 12.5% Serval.
A Savannah cross may also be referred to by breeders as "SV xSV" (SV is the TICA code for the Savannah breed), in addition to the filial number. Savannah generation filial numbers also have a letter designator that refers to the generation of SV-to-SV breeding. The designation A means one parent is a Savannah and the other is an outcross. B is used for both parents are Savannahs with one of them being an A. The C designation is when both parents are Savannahs and one of them is a B. Therefore, A x (any SV) = B; B x (B,C,SBT) = C; C x (C, SBT) = SBT, SBT x SBT = SBT. F1 generation Savannahs are always A, since the father is a nondomestic outcross (the serval father). The F2 generation can be A or B. The F3 generation can be A, B or C. The F4 generation is the first generation that can be a "stud book tradition" (SBT) cat, and is considered "purebred".
Being hybrids, Savannahs typically exhibit some characteristics of hybrid inviability. Because the male Savannah is the heterogametic sex, they are most commonly affected, in accordance with Haldane's rule. Male Savannahs are typically larger in size and sterile until the F5 generation or so, although the females are fertile from the F1 generation. As of 2011, breeders were noticing a resurgence in sterility in males at the F5 and F6 generations. Presumably, this is due to the higher serval percentage in C and SBT cats. The problem may also be compounded by the secondary nondomestic genes coming from the Asian leopard cat in the Bengal outcrosses that were used heavily in the foundation of the breed.
Females of the F1-F3 generations are usually held back for breeding, with only the males being offered as pets. The reverse occurs in the F5-F7 generations, but to a lesser degree, with the males being held as breeding cats, and females primarily offered as pets.
The cats are known for their loyalty, and they will follow their owners around the house. They can also be trained to walk on a leash and to fetch.[7]
Some Savannahs are reported to be very social and friendly with new people and other cats and dogs, while others may run and hide or revert to hissing and growling when seeing a stranger. Exposure to other people and pets is most likely the key factor in sociability as Savannah kittens grow up.
An often-noted trait of the Savannah is its jumping ability. They are known to jump on top of doors, refrigerators and high cabinets. Some Savannahs can leap about 8 feet (2.5 m) high from a standing position. Savannahs are very inquisitive. They often learn how to open doors and cupboards, and anyone buying a Savannah will likely need to take special precautions to prevent the cat from getting into trouble.
Many Savannah cats do not fear water, and will play or even immerse themselves in water. Some owners even shower with their Savannah cats.[8] Presenting a water bowl to a Savannah may also prove a challenge, as some will promptly begin to "bat" all the water out of the bowl until it is empty, using their front paws.
Another quirk Savannahs have is to fluff out the base of their tails in a greeting gesture. This behavior is not to be confused with the fluffing of fur along the back and full length of the tail in fear. Savannahs will also often flick or wag their tails in excitement or pleasure.
Vocally, Savannahs may either chirp like their serval fathers, meow like their domestic mothers, both chirp and meow, or sometimes produce sounds which are a mixture of the two. Chirping is observed more often in earlier generations. Savannahs may also "hiss" – a serval-like hiss, quite different from a domestic cat's hiss – sounding more like a very loud snake. It can be alarming to humans not acquainted to such a sound coming from a cat.
There are three basic factors that affect the character of the Savannah cat behavior: lineage, generation, and socialization. These three factors all follow the nature and nurture argument with nature being breed lines combined with generation and nurture being social upbringing. As of 2014 the Savannah breed development is still in its infancy and most Savannah cats have a very broad range of behaviors.
If a breed line has a tendency for a specific behavior over other behaviors[clarification needed] it is likely to be passed to the breed lines offspring. As outside lines are used there is a merging effect of the base behaviors.
When breeding lines starting from early generations such as first filial and second filial generations (F1 and F2 Savannahs), behavior stemming from the wild out cross, the Serval, is more apparent. Behaviors like jumping, fight or flight instincts, dominance, and nurturing behaviors are more noticeable in early generations. Since fertile males that are F5 and F6 are used in most breeding programs, later generation Savannah cats behaviors tend to act more like traditional domestic cats. Overlying behavior traits for all generations are high activity and high curiosity.
Probably the most influential factor is early socialization. Kittens can be socialized with human contact from birth, and human interaction each day reinforces kitten and cat human interaction behavior that lasts throughout the cats' life span. Kittens within litters will tend to have varied social skills, with some that like human interaction and others that fear it. If kittens that fear humans never grow past that fear they will tend to exhibit a more shy behavior and are likely to hide when strangers are present. Kittens that look forward to human visits and likely to engage in play with humans tend to grow to cats that are more welcoming of strangers and less frightened of new environments. These cats tend to become the life of the party versus a cat that will find a hiding place until the party is over. Human cat socialization should be practiced each day with positive reinforcement for a kitten to grow into a well-rounded social Savannah cat. Kittens that go for long periods of time without human interaction and only interact with their mothers or siblings usually do not develop a strong bond with humans and tend to be less trusting of humans. These kittens tend to be shy and are likely to hide when unknown people are present.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a health concern in many pure breed cats. A link has recently been found between Bengal cat (a similar hybrid) and HCM[when?][citation needed] there are cases that indicate that HCM may also be a reoccurring health issue in servals. Several responsible Bengal Breeders have their breeder cats scanned for HCM on an annual basis, though this practice is not as widespread in the Savannah community.
Some veterinarians[citation needed] have noted servals have smaller livers relative to their body sizes than domestic cats, and some Savannahs inherit this, but the medical consequence of this is unrecognized and is likely to be of no consequence. There are no known medical peculiarities of hybrid cats requiring different medical treatments than that of domestic cats, despite what many breeders may believe. The blood values of Savannahs are not known to be different from the typical domestic cat, despite its serval genes.[citation needed]
Like domestic cats, Savannahs and other domestic hybrids (such as Bengals) require appropriate anesthesia based on their medical needs but do not have specific requirements as breeders sometimes erroneously infer. It is unclear among the veterinary community how a particular anesthetic agent, specifically ketamine, has been listed as causing ill effects when this has not been found to be accurate. It is possible this comes from a misunderstanding of the drug and its common effects, since ketamine is an anesthetic that cannot be used alone.
Ketamine has been proven safe, when used in servals, together with medetomidine (Domitor, Dorbene, Dormilan, Medetor, Sedastart, Sedator, Sededorm) and butorphanol (Alvegesic, Dolorex, Torbugesic, Torbutrol, Torphasol) with the antagonist atipamezole (Alzane, Antisedan, Atipam, Revertor, Sedastop).[9][10]
In the United States, rabies vaccines are recommended but not approved for non-domestic cats. If a non-domestic cat bites someone it will be treated as "unvaccinated" whether it has been given a vaccine or not. This means a state veterinarian may require a cat who has bitten someone to be euthanized or quarantined according to state laws.
Some breeders state Savannah cats have no known special care or food requirements, while others recommend a very high quality diet with no grains or byproducts. Some recommend a partial or complete raw feeding/raw food diet with at least 32% protein and no byproducts. Some recommend calcium and other supplements, especially for growing cats and earlier generations. Others consider it unnecessary, or even harmful.[6] Most Savannah breeders agree that Savannahs have a need for more taurine than the average domestic cat, and therefore recommend taurine supplements, which can be added to any food type.
Ownership laws
Laws governing ownership of Savannah cats in the United States vary according to state. The majority of states follow the code set by the United States Department of Agriculture, which defines wild or domesticated hybrid crosses as domesticated. Some states have set more restrictive laws on hybrid cat ownership, including Hawaii, Massachusetts, Texas and Georgia. Some cities may have laws that differ from the state. For example, Savannahs more than five generations from the serval are allowed to be owned in New York state, but not in the city of New York.[11]
The Australian Federal government has banned the importation into Australia of the Savannah cat, as the larger cats could potentially threaten species of the country's native wildlife not threatened by smaller domestic cats.[12][13] A government report on the proposed importation of the cats has warned the hybrid breed may introduce enhanced hunting skills and increased body size into feral cat populations, putting native species at risk. The report states the Savannah cats are not worth the risk.[14][15]
Savannah cats are legal in every province of Canada, although some provinces have restrictions on the ownership of F1 and F2 generations, and importing Savannahs from the United States requires rabies vaccination and special permits.[16]
Many other nations have few or no restrictions on F2 and later generations
F1 Savannahs - Savannah cats are a spotted domestic cat breed started in the 1980's. Developed to give the impression of grandeur and dignity of a wildcat with a cheetah type appearance, expressive eyes highlighted by dark tear stains, vibrant coat colors, solid contrasting black spots, huge sonar-like ears and long legs. Since 2006 they have held the Guinness Book World Record for the world's tallest domestic cat.
Breed standard calls for all traits to mimic those of its ancestor the African Serval. The goal of the breed is to obtain a well-rounded temperament yet wild-looking breed that makes a suitable alternative to an exotic pet. Poorly developed bloodlines can be mistaken for Bengal Cats, which have an opposite body structure to the Savannah.
Lifespan: 12-20 years Weight: 12-25 pounds Exercise: Medium/High Hypoallergenic: No
Energy Level of the breed is medium to high so exercise is required. Exercise combined with socialization is an extremely important part of a kitten's training into adulthood. Exposure to friendly atmospheres with positive reinforcement work best. Health Issues are not specific to the breed at this time. Genetic testing is crucial to avoid development of breed-specific ailments long term. Reproduction is very difficult and fertility rates are low. Litters average 1 to 3 kittens in higher generations. Some cats are infertile due to genetics. Intact cats are notoriously selective, pairing only with those it is raised with from kitten-hood. The gestation period of the African Serval is 10 days longer than a domestic cat, meaning F1 & F2s are immensely hard to produce. Savannah Cats do not require any special health care. They visit a regular veterinarian for routine feline health maintenance.
High intelligence combined with being naturally curious gets them into mischief. Due to high intelligence, curiosity and high energy needs, they are best suited with active owners.
Temperament is outstanding when properly socialized. The feline version of a dog. Ideal companions for owners who want to avoid extra canine requirements. Actively seeking social interaction. They are given to pouting if left out. Remaining kitten-like through life. Profoundly loyal to immediate family members. Questioning the presence of strangers. Making excellent companions that are loyal, intelligent and eager to be involved. Demonstrated by the ability to learn simple to complex commands.
Nutrition requirements are the same as the average domestic cat. Almost all cat foods from a grocery store are not properly balanced for any type of cat. Feeding a cheap filler filled foods will lead to bones being brittle bones that can break easily. These cheap foods have been linked to diarrhea, weight loss and even cancer. Savannah Cats grow at a fast rate so proper nutrition is vital. They do not require a raw meat diet however a raw meat diet is the most nutritional diet available if properly prepared. Work with your veterinarian and breeder to determine the frequency of meals. Dry Food and fresh water should be available at all times.
Colors of the Savannah Cat are brown, silver, black and smoke. Acceptable colors are those that mimic the African Serval. The most common variation of the African Serval is a buttery gold color with solid jet black spots. Gold is a shade of brown so it is correctly registered as a brown spotted tabby (BST). Brown Spotted Tabby = Aguoti Cat (A-) Silver Spotted Tabby = Aguoti Cat (A-) + Inhibitor gene Black = Non-Aguoti Cat (AA) Smoke = Non-Aguoti Cat (AA) + Inhibitor gene
Eyes should be medium-sized and set underneath a slightly hooded brow. The top of the eye resembles a boomerang, which is set at an exact angle so that the corner of the eye slopes down the line of the nose. The bottom half of the eye has an almond shape. The eyes are moderately deep set, low on the forehead, and are consistent with facial symmetry. Tear stain markings are present along and between the eyes and the nose. All eye colors are allowed and are independent of coat color.
Ears should resemble those of the African Serval Cat. African Serval Cats have the largest ears of all felines, and largest ears in relation to head size of any cat. As a result, the Savannah Cat's ears are remarkably large and high on the head. The ears are also wide with a deep base. The ears should be upright and have rounded tips. The outside base of the ear should start no lower on the head than at the height of the eyes but may be set higher. The inside base of the ears is set close at the top of the head, ideally, vertical parallel lines can be drawn from the inner corner of the eyes up to the inner base of ears. Savannah Cats have inherited "ocelli" marks behind thier ears used to scare off predators. Ocelli marks can be found throught nature, Such as the wings of butterflies, ears of most wild cats and even tabby cats. Serval Cats have an "ocelli" marking behind the ears which are high-contrast marks that are thought to scare off predators by mimicking the eyes of the predators' own enemies. Savannah Cats often a muted ocille mark with less contrast. Lacking the high contrast of black with white color combination. It is considered desirable to have black with white but not a fault to have lesser contrasting colors (black with brown, brown with brown). Head should be broad, modified wedge with rounded contuers. The head should be longer than it is wide. The anterior view of the face should present a distinct and symmetric triangular shape. The nose is long with a small chin. It is preferred for the head to have the “l l” marking rather than “M” marking, although this is not in the breed standard.
Pattern is solid dark spots which can be round or oval flowing across the body and should not be connected. A series of parallel stripes, from the back of the head to just over the shoulder blades fan out slightly over the back. Smaller spots may be found on the legs and feet, as well as on the face. The coat is dense short hair that can be coarse or soft in texture.
Generations represent a number of pairings removed from an exotic ancestor. Generations matter to breeders because stud males are not fertile until six generations removed from the Serval Cat due to “hybrid infertility”. Breeders acheiving higher percentage SBT cats are finding fertility impacted, now males are much less likely to be fertile four or five generations removed. The F1 generation is the foundation of the breed (Serval x Domestic), all other generations are subsequent pairing of a Savannah male pairing to a Savannah female. Out-crossing to different breeds such as bengals or oriental shorthairs is not premissiable but done on the rare occasion to bring in new bloodlines. New bloodlines may be sought out to obtain a larger gene pool or obtaining hard to achieve desirable genetic traits. Out-crossing should be attempted with serious caution as all breeds have pros and cons to be considered.F1 Savannah CatF2 Savannah CatF3 Savannah CatF4 Savannah CatSBT Savannah Cat (Five or more generations from Serval Cat)
Bottle feeding of generations with higher exotic heritage ensures obtaining a sound temperament. Bottle raised kittens are left with mom during the first few weeks to ensure vital antibodies are received. Bottle raising is required in the first generation. The average domestic cat pregnancy is around 63 days and the African Serval Cat pregnancy is around 74 days. Having a ten-day gestational difference can result in some F1 kittens being slightly premature. Premature kittens require intense specialty care during the first few weeks. This complex process results in higher prices due to the time and skill level. It is important to note that any cat breed not provided proper socialization will result in maladjusted social habits.
Hybrid infertility is when a hybrid cross can not reproduce. Joyce Sroufe, the founder of the breed, retained all generations attempting to get fertile males. Joyce Sroufe was unsuccessful until five generations removed, her pairings were all out-crosses that resulted in little exotic content. In theory this content needs to be 10% or less. As the breed progresses pairing become higher content resulting in males further removed to retain fertility. If a higher content male is found fertile often they have small litters and becomes sterile over a short period of time (Often within a year of proven fertility).Size Comparison - Domestic Cat Vs Savannah Cats
Leash training often is tried with success on Savannah Cats. Leash training on a harness is possible with Savannah Cats. Walk on a leash with a harness does take practice and patience. In fact Savannah Cats are so intelligent that potential owners should make sure they have the time to provide proper mental stimulation.
Allergies still happen around Savannah Cats even though they are short haired cat breed. No cat breed is truly hypoallergenic. No scientific data supports hypoallergenic cat breeds. Most allergy sufferer are allergic to the protein found in cat saliva not hair, so they are allergic to all felines.
Lifespan of domestic cats can live up to 15 years, typically 10-12 years. Serval Cats live up to 20 years. Savannah cats can live 12-20 years depending on heritage from the Serval Cat. It is proven that cats who eat a properly balanced raw meat mixture will have a better chance at a longer life.
The closer to the exotic linage results in larger size but smaller litters and higher cost The further away from the Serval those litters get bigger, the size gets smaller and the cost decresease per kitten.
*Size of Savannah Cats is often exaggerated because they are taller, thinner framed and longer bodied than the most domestic cats. This taller body type gives the illusion of more weight. Weight depends on individual bloodline. Weight can range between 12-25 pounds.
Price is based off conformation to the breed standard, temperament, demand and scarcity. When a Savannah Cat has traits inline with the breed standard they are of higher value as a pet or breeder. Breeders are obligated as TICA registered members to provide registration papers, age appropriate vaccinations and retain kittens until the age of 10-14 weeks, which is costly. The basic rearing cost of a registered pedigree kitten results in adoption prices over $1,200 (This goes for all pedigree cat breeds). F1 & F2 generations have very small litters once a year, sometimes going long periods without birthing. This drives up the adoption cost of those
Legal requirements have to be considered in some USA states. Savannah Cats sometimes get caught in ban bills due to lose wording meant to prevent the ownership of larger exotic pets. Often these ban bills get correct over time and proper education being provided to officials. The following states have restrictions: Alaska, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, New York, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rode Island, Texas, Vermont and Hawaii. Review your state laws pertaining to hybrid animals on www.HybridLaw.com Please review your state laws before getting a Savannah Cat.